A New Oreo Jumps onto the scene


Nintendo recently unveiled their new partnership between themselves and Oreo and it certainly is interesting.

Mario Oreos are going to be hitting store shelves on July 10th. They have a total of 16 different designs to find in the pack. these designs range from Mario to Blooper. Although it is sad to see that Princess Peach will not be featured on any cookie despite her major role in the recent film.

This isn’t the first time Nintendo has partnered up with the iconic cookie. Back in 2021, they released Pokemon Oreos with a similar idea. There were a variety of designs to collect with some being harder to find than others. By the time that they came, and went, the rarest cookies could be found on eBay for thousands of dollars. Which is absolutely wild! Will something similar happen with these ones, who can say?

The artificial scarcity of these products really annoys me sometimes because I really just want to eat a cookie with Mario’s face on it.

They released a trailer alongside the announcement that was animated and shows off the new cookies alongside iconic Mario music. Although if I have one critique I wish they would have made the video more realistic. for example, two cookies will hit a glass of milk and make two different noises. which just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. they already went through all the trouble of making a trailer I just wish they could have gone the extra step. Despite that the trailer is fun and you can give it a watch below!


-Jared Gomes