T55 News Team

News Director

Keith Hopper here… since joining Peace River Broadcasting I’ve been promoted, TWICE! I was promoted to Parenthood, as I became a father for the first time, and to the News Director, here at the radio stations.

I may have changed my titles, but the approach is still the same. Reaching out to the Peace Country to see what makes this area great!

I bring over 25 years of experience, covering news, sports, events, and the people that are “Making Conversation”.

In my spare time (what spare time), I enjoy spending time with my wife Chantelle, our daughter Lilyanna, and our two fur-babies Reese and Hershey.  I also enjoy being on the ball diamond umpiring Baseball (22 seasons), on the gridiron refereeing Football (14 seasons), plus being in a hockey rink somewhere, either watching or volunteering (37 seasons).

Morning News Anchor / Reporter

I’m Kyle Moore. I’m the guy doing the news every weekday morning.

Born and raised in the town of Strathmore, AB, I’ve moved around a bit over the years. Went to college in Lethbridge, worked in Dauphin, MB, Bonnyville-Cold Lake, AB and now I’m here in Peace River.

My biggest passion is covering sports and doing hockey play-by-play (and yes I wear a lot of Calgary Flames and Calgary Stampeders gear even though Northern Alberta is sort of enemy territory.)

I’m also big into classic video games. The Sonic the Hedgehog series is a big favourite of mine, but I also play a bit of Pokemon, Mario and Metal Gear Solid.

I like to consider myself as someone who’s easy to make friends with, and I look forward to making a lot of new ones here in Peace River.


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