The Super Mario Bros. Movie Spoiler Free Review: Nostalgia Only Goes So Far


The Super Mario Bros Movie is the animated crack at the historic video game franchise since the failed live action movie starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo as Mario and Luigi. The animated film sees an all-star cast with Chris Pratt and Charlie Day voice the titular plumbers with adding Jack Black as Bowser, Anya Taylor-Joy as Peach, Keegan-Michael Key as Toad and Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong. This movie to say the least passes time and brings some nostalgia along to spectacular animation.

The best thing about the film was the animation as it was perfection and solidified the movie and was something the critics couldn’t say was bad at all. The stand out performance was Jack Black as Bowser though it was basically Jack Black playing Jack Black. Bowser is a rocker who wants to does some singing throughout the film especially when professing his love for Peach. Chris Pratt wasn’t as bad as I thought as Mario, and they did use what I call the Chip N Dale way of explaining the different voices than we have become accustom to over the years. Peach was a solid character playing more badass than a damsel in distress. I liked the use of Mario Kart’s in them that was some solid nostalgia for me growing up playing that game.

The issues I had with the movie was it was so much jammed in there as fan service and no real character development for anyone in the movie. Everything just kind of happens and nothing really gets explained. Now some of this could come in the way of sequels if they go that way and given the money it brought in, I would guess there will be. Personally we didn’t need the Kongs, as much as I am a fan of the Donkey Kong as a whole it could’ve just been the simple rescue tale and setting up the universe and include some things from the video games rather than just jamming everything in all at once.

In the end the movie is just a decent way to pass an hour and a half but don’t expect a great story or anything other than spectacular animation. It is great for kids to watch as there is no scary parts or anything that would really upset them. Adults it can be a struggle to get through even as a fan of the video games and franchise. It’s messy and when the nostalgia wears off you aren’t left with much.

There is a mid credit scene which I would definitely watch and a post credit one that leaves it open for a sequel.

Final Grade: 6/10

– Everett