Meghan Patrick Releasing Docuseries


Meghan Patrick the singer/songwriter originally from Bowmanville, ON has made a little docuseries about her upcoming album “Golden Child.” The first episode of Golden Child: The Making Of” is out on YouTube as it will chronical her making the new album and giving a look into her life and perspective. The singer has already in the opening episode discussed the hardships in her life since the pandemic, like losing her record deal with Warner Music and what sounds like a nasty split with her team. She has discussed the difficult balancing of family and career, in with this album, in her view being telling about her recording future.

Now Meghan has steadily put out music with most going top 15 even without Warner Music the last couple years, but she seemed to disappear and the despite the songs charting well never really came to mind. I figured with her relastionship and spending her time living in Nashville she was just working on new music and prepping for her wedding. This might also be a reason behind the branding she has chosen on gone with over the last few years. The singer who is married to fellow country artist Mitchell Tenpenny has said in the first episode a song being written on the album could have consequences on her relationship with her husband.

I am curious to see where this goes, and Meghan does seem to have a lot of support as her Instagram post about the 1st episode being out has Lainey Wilson commenting, “Let’s goooooo. I could run through a wall for you 🔥 or with you.” This will be interesting to say the least


Check out the first episode below:


– Everett