Fair Food Fight Day 5


Burgers win again! I wonder if they will make it all the way to the top spot…only time will tell. Once again, these polls surprise me. Now, I never quite know what to expect going into this, but when I think of a fair, I think about cotton candy and such. It surprised me when it didn’t pull through, on the other hand, I know exactly where these votes are coming from. Every time I am at a carnival I always get a burger. It has all the major food groups bread, meat, vegetables, dairy…or at least that’s how I justify it to myself. So, although I think cotton candy is a more stereotypical fair food I think I’m with you when you say that burgers are better. Plus I always liked savory over sweet anyway.

Today’s competitors are mini doughnuts and nachos. Now things are getting even more interesting, I love both of these options. Alright, now I know I said I prefer savory over sweet in just the last paragraph, but mini doughnuts are just an essential fair food, right? they sell them by the bucket for crying out loud. I feel that if you have your own food truck dedicated to mini doughnuts you’re doing something right. Well, I guess the only thing to do is wait and see what you say. So, make sure you vote on our Instagram story and come back here tomorrow for the finals!

Here is the current standings:

You can vote on today’s match up here: on KIX FM or on RIVER COUNTRY

-Jared Gomes