A Great Game With a Great New Release Date


I play a lot of video games and I’m a big fan of niche RPGs (role-playing games). A series that I love is called Xenoblade Chronicles. There have been 3 games in the series so far Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 released in that order. So what is the next game that should get released going by what they have done so far…but Xenoblade Chronicles 3? This was announced a while ago and set to come out in September. but just this last week a new trailer was released that has it now releasing this year on July 20th

This is an interesting phenomenon because usually in the video game industry things get delayed instead of a release date being moved up. The newest Legend of Zelda game just got pushed back so I was fearing the worst for this Xenoblade game series I loved so much but turns out the opposite happened. Some people are speculating that something went wrong behind the scenes and that the game was already done so they moved it up. But who can say for sure all I know is that I’m excited.

If you’re wondering what these games are about and if you should even care about this new one those are valid questions? First off, yes, you should care about this game because even if you have not played the other ones that don’t matter, each entry into the series has its own story and characters that it follows. Other than some details that carry over you could jump in on this third game. To be honest I got into the series with the second game then went back and played the first one.

The games are a blend of fantasy and sci-fi with both the elements melding together to form very unique stories. As I said earlier each game is unique so as of yet I’m still not too sure what the major plot points of this game will be but I am super excited to find out.

Some of my favourite aspects of this series are the music which is always wonderful and some of the best I’ve heard. As Well as the combat is very unique and by watching the trailer it looks like they are going to be again doing something new and exciting with it.

Here is the trailer that I keep referencing so if you’re still not sold on it give it a watch because I’m sure seeing it in action will be even better than me rambling on about how great this is!


-Jared Gomes