A Blog About Weather Whether you like it or not…


Lately, our weather has been all over the place here in Peace River. Some days it is nice and sunny others it is cloudy or sometimes we get torrential downpours of the ninth degree. So that got me thinking that out of these three summer kinds of weather which one does everyone prefer.

Personally, I prefer rainy days. Ideally when it’s not a heavy pour and just constant light rain. Although it may seem weird to like that weather because it seems like everyone wants you to believe that sunny days are the best I have a couple of reasons. The smell of the rain is so nice, it’s refreshing. Then there is the soothing pitter-patter on the rooftops nothing can beat it. Not to mention all of the rain activities you can do like stare out a window contemplating the meaning of life…like in the movies. You can also go for a stroll under an umbrella…how often do you get to use an umbrella…not often enough I’m going to wager.

In River Country we had 89% of people say that ideally, they would want sunny days with only 11% saying that a cloudy day is nice. On KIX FM sunny days are still the most popular with 65% of the vote. Followed by cloudy days at 24% and rainy days at 12%. Yes! There are some other rain lovers out there.

This poll turned out pretty much how I thought it would with sunny days coming out on top and rainy days at the bottom. But Just you wait I’ll have to ask this question again after we go through a real dry season then who will be loving the rainy days…well still me… but also probably the majority of people too.

I like to ask a different question over on our Instagram story everyday I’m on air.

You can answer today’s question here: on KIX FM or on RIVER COUNTRY

-Jared Gomes