Technology a strong focus of Northland School Division in 3-year plan


If there is one area where the Northland School Division experienced growth, it is in the use and comfort of technology.

The division released its three-year-plan at its most recent board meeting and according to a survey of teachers, 94 percent indicated a “very high-comfort” level with technology.

According to Superintendent, Doctor Nancy Spencer-Poitras, the COVID-19 pandemic has helped accelerate the reliance and comfort with new tools and methods.

“Previously, there comfort with online learning, we only had a 47 percent,” says Spencer-Poitras.

The Trending 55 Newsroom asked her what some of the big reasons for a smooth transition.

“I give that credit that from March to June, we spent time teaching teachers, all staff members and our board as well,” she explains.

“We changed the culture of how we do business.”

She also praises the staff for being willing to spend extra hours learning new skills.

“When teachers were not teaching, or making programs for students, they were involved in 600 professional learning opportunities.”

Spencer Poitras also adds because of the new skills teachers are learning, they can share their newfound wisdom with their students.

According to the division’s audited financial statements, it finished with a surplus of $227,865.

You can hear our full conversation with Spencer-Poitras below.

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom

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