Six Peace Region provincial parks to be fully, or partially closed


Five provincial parks in in the Peace Region will be fully shut down this year.

Twins Lakes Provincial Recreation Area, Running Lake Provincial Recreation Area, Sulphur Lake Provincial Recreation Area, Stoney Lake Provincial Recreation Area and Greene Valley Provincial Park will be fully closed.

Notikewin Provincial Park will be partially closed.

According to documents on the Alberta Parks website, fully closed sites cannot be accessed by the public.

Parks, like Notikewin, slated for partial closure will have the parked remaining open, but services like campgrounds or facilities will no longer be available.

Non-serviced means that services, such as garbage collection and grounds-keeping do not occur in the remaining accessible park areas.

According to the province, these closures will result in $5 million in savings.

The government is either partially, or fully, closing 20 provincial parks in Alberta.

Click here to see the full list of parks impacted.

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom
