Provincial Grant To Help Live Music Sector


The Province has launched a grant to help the live music sector recover from the pandemic.

Culture Minister Leela Aheer says the Stabilize Live Music Grant program will help both musicians and music venues prepare for live experiences once public health guidelines allow.

“If you think about live music across the province and the amount of festivals and amazing musicians, that live music is critical to our quality of life. If you think about economic recovery and the amount of GDP that is put into the province through the arts, culture and sports sectors, it’s really huge. Dollar for dollar, you’re going to see this investment really have a huge impact on this sector.”

Aheer was on the Trending 55 Hot Seat and says they’ve received a strong response to it.

“I think one of the most profound things I’ve heard was it’s not even necessarily about the dollar figures, it was about the recognition of what was happening in this sector. That recognition helps so much to carry forward the importance of how much this sector impacts the world that we live in.”

Those looking to apply for the grant can click here.

You can listen to the full interview with Aheer below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom