Province Looking for Feedback on Farm & Ranch Labour Legislation

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry wants to hear input on the province’s Farm and Ranch Labour Legislation.

The ministry wants to know how Alberta’s labour laws could be applied.

Six technical working groups have been working since May 2016, and have posted recommendations online.

In a news release, Agriculture Minister Oneil Carlier thanked the members for their hard work and dedication.

“The recommendations are an excellent starting point to ensure waged non-family farm workers have the same rights as other workers,” said Carlier. “At the same time, it preserves the way of life that is the foundation of rural Alberta.”

“I encourage Albertans to look at the recommendations and provide their honest and frank response,” added Labour Minister Christina Gray in the release. “Your views are very important to us as we work together to get this right.”

Any feedback to be considered must be in by April 3, 2017.

The Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act was passed by the NDP government in December 2015.

– Posted by BET