Province Improving Access To Addiction Services


The provincial government has a new website available for people to find addiction-related programs and services.

Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Mike Ellis says that the Recovery Access Alberta website will make it easier to find and access addiction resources.

“I used to be a law enforcement officer in Calgary and certainly have a lot of experience dealing with folks with addiction issues. In that experience, most people that I come across, they want help. Making sure that we have that access available to them is hugely important.”

The Recovery Access Alberta website can be found here.

When it comes to improving access to services, Ellis says they’re funding different facilities all around the province.

“The government has invested $140 million and we’re trying to achieve the goal of 4000 spaces to make sure that those spaces are available so that when somebody who is in the throes of their addiction, that there is a place for them to go. Making sure that those spaces are available for folks is key to helping folks with their recovery.”

You can listen to our full interview with Ellis below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom