Program Available For Farmers To Convert Cropland To Forages


Farmers in the Peace Country have a chance to convert some of their cropland into grass and pasture through a program with Ducks Unlimited.

Craig Bishop, regional forages lead for the Prairies with Ducks Unlimited, says they’ll offer farmers discounted seed and technical support to help establish forages on their land.

“For the Peace Region itself, which is actually a very high perennial cover in the landscape in certain areas, we don’t have a specific goal there. We look at every property individually and build up a project proposal for the landowner on every specific quarter that they’re interested in.”

Bishop says there are some benefits for farmers with this program.

“Obviously financial, any money that’s coming into an operation is a good thing. The other side is that it does increase a number of environmental goods and services on their properties. From our perspective pollinators and things like that. Good highly productive feed sources for grazing animals. They could be looking at it for if their operation is in hay production or grass production of some manner.”

For more on this, you can listen to our full interview with Bishop below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom