Peace River Mayor says town is just fine a year into cannabis legalization

Marijuana legalization has had minimal impact in the Town of Peace River. That’s according to Mayor Tom Tarpey, who says the impacts of legalizing pot have been minimal.

“There was some initial controversy leading up to (legalization) but really, it’s gone very smoothly. Not much brouhaha the establishment of three or four shops right now.”

Cannabis was legalized on October 18 of last year. Tarpey mentions the complaints have been few and far between.

“There was some initial apprehension with the location of one of the shops but once the proprietor and complainant worked through that, I haven’t heard any complaints whatsoever.”

Here are links to the Town of Peace River’s bylaws regarding cannabis.

Bylaw 2032

Bylaw 2038

Bylaw 2047

Bylaw 2048

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