Northern Sunrise County Protective Services Boss Talks about Fire Safety


Spring is usually a time for people to start projects, get into yard cleaning and start enjoying more time outdoors.

However, Northern Sunrise County also feels it is also a good time to think about fire safety as well.

David Leblanc is the County’s Fire Chief and Director of Protective Services, and says many residents are not regularly checking their smoke detectors.

“We preach to the public every year to check the batteries in their smoke detectors,” says LeBlanc. “A lot of the fires we go to, the first thing we check are the smoke detectors and nine times out of 10, they are not functioning.”

LeBlanc also suggests making a schedule to check smoke detectors in your property are in working order.

“Pick a date – every six months,” recommends LeBlanc. “Maybe every Easter check that smoke detector and make sure it is working.”

LeBlanc also realizes that people have been indoors for a long time, thanks to the pandemic, but urges caution if you are planning a backyard blaze.

“People may not be thinking of backyard fires because of the snow still on the ground but it can melt fairly quickly, and then it won’t take much for a spark to cause a forest fire,” explains LeBlanc.

He says fire pits need to be screened, and should be at least 10 feet away from any type of property.

The Fire Chief also says the department is taking precautions to limit the spread of the virus.

“Wearing masks, making sure your shield is down and trying to stay apart, if possible,” states LeBlanc.

“You need to get pretty close for things like vehicle extraction but we take all the necessary precautions and wear the right personal protective equipment.”

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom
