Mitchell hopeful no ‘super boards’ will be formed for post-secondary education

Northern Lakes College is applauding a review the province is doing on post-secondary institutions, but is concerned as well.

The college sent an e-mail blast to community stakeholders, including the Peace River and District Chamber of Commerce in which it asks for letters of support for the school.

The concern, according to NLC President and CEO, Glenn Mitchell, is what could be the formation of a mass centralized board, or a “super board.”

“Our concern with this model is the eventual loss of a rural voice over time, especially if these boards are urban-centric, made up of urban members,” says Mitchell.

Mitchell says he hears that many people have filled out the province’s workbook for its review, which is titled Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs.

“Many have submitted the workbooks, which the ministry (Advanced Education) asked us to do and several letters written as well so we are really pleased with the support we’ve gotten from our communities,” he adds.

Mitchell expressed optimism following a meeting the college had with Advanced Education Minister, Demetrios Nicolaides.

“Minister Nicolaides has heard our comments and may be moving away from the super board concept; that is have I have been hearing recently so I believe he has heard our thoughts and concerns as a college and we really appreciate that,” explains Mitchell.

In closing, Mitchell says the school supports the rest of the review.

“Northern Lakes College is in complete support of the ministry’s position on increased collaboration, reduced duplication of programs and services, reduced red tape and we certainly support the work being done to ensure that to ensure Alberta has an efficient and effective to prepare not only graduates of today, but tomorrow as well,” Mitchell concludes.

You can hear our interview with Mitchell bellow.

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom

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