Local School Boards Meet With Education Minister


The Province’s Education Minister, Demitrios Nicolaides, was in the region this week meeting with several local school boards.

He says there were several concerns around education in the region that were brought up with him.

“Some of the things I hear is about capital, many of the school divisions in the region may have aging infrastructure and some old schools that need to be replaced. A lot of the school divisions are talking to me about that. Transportation and busing is also something that’s been top of mind for them, as well as hiring and retaining teachers in the region is also something that a lot of them have shared with me.”

Nicolaides says he’s looking forward to working more closely with the school boards to solve those issues.

On the topic of new schools, the Minister says it’s important that new schools get built in all corners of the province.

“Of course we’re seeing a huge influx of people moving to Alberta over the past couple of years. A lot of those folks are being concentrated in Calgary and Edmonton. We’re looking at that but also looking to make sure that we are building schools in every corner of the province and modernizing schools and replacing ones that have gone beyond their life expectancy.”

You can listen to that full interview below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom