High Level Wildfire Status


Courtesy: Alberta Wildfire

Today, a high of 35C and relative humidity (RH) of 15% with winds from the south 10km/h shifting to west 15-20 gusting to 40. Lightning is predicted, but very little precipitation is in the forecast.

Tomorrow, a high of 33C with 20% relative humidity winds southeast 15 gusting to 30 km/h. Small chance of rain and thunder showers.

Crossover conditions are anticipated again, as the temperature will be significantly above the relative humidity. Given these crossover conditions, very intense fire behaviour is expected. 

HWF100 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL and is now estimated to be 606 ha in size. The wildfire is located 21 km northeast of Rainbow Lake and 25 km west of Chateh. The cause of this wildfire remains under investigation.

There are 35 firefighters, four helicopters and 12 pieces of heavy equipment engaged on this wildfire today. It does not pose a threat to any community at this time. 

An infrared scan was conducted last night, finding moderate hotspots throughout the fire, mostly on the east side. Firefighters will focus on these areas, while working their way into the burn while searching for and extinguishing hotspots with pumps and hose. Heli-bucketing is ongoing and dozers continue their work on the guard in perimeter areas and.

HWF102, which is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL, is estimated to be 1,052 ha in size. The wildfire is located 34 km southeast of Tall Cree South and 38 km east of Wadlin Lake, and its cause was determined to have been caused by lightning.


The Semo Wildfire Complex is located north of John D’Or Prairie, Garden River and Fox Lake. It includes the Caribou Mountains P.P, between the Ponton and the Wentzel River. This wildfire is currently being overseen by an incident management team. Additional resources have been requested and will be arriving in the coming days.


Visit Alberta Wildfire staff for information, giveaways and kids games.

John D’or at the band office – Tuesday, July 9 from 1-3 p.m.

Fox Lake at the band office – Wednesday, July 10 from 1-3 p.m.

Garden River at the band office – Thursday, July 11 from 1-3 p.m.

Today, the weather forecast is calling for temperatures of 30C with a relative humidity of 25% with winds out of the southwest at 15-20 km/h with wind gust of 40 km/h. There is a heat warning as well as an extreme fire behaviour risk for today. This means that high intensity and very fast-moving spread will be expected with certain conditions. It will be a challenging day for firefighters today.

HWF053 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL approximately 41 km northeast of John D’or Prairie, 37 km northwest of Garden River and 41 north of Fox Lake. It’s estimated to be 510 ha in size. The wildfire remains under investigation.

HWF061 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL 28 km northeast of Jon D’or, 22 km north of Fox Lake and 32 km northwest of Garden River. The closest part of the wildfire is approximately 12 km to highway 58. We’re now measuring from the northeast corner of the community boundary line to the closest fire perimeter so you will see adjustments moving forward. Keep in mind that even though the fire is over 30 km away from Garden River the fire is 12 km from highway 58 and that will impact egress for the community of Garden River. The measurement from the fire perimeter to the closest point on highway 58 is what is most important for the area of Garden River.

The wildfire is growing with the significant heat wave over the last few days. Rising temperatures will still play a factor in wildfire spread. The wildfire is now estimated to be 16,334 ha in size and caused by lightning. Heavy equipment operators continue both day and night to the south perimeter of the fire to gain better access. Helicopters will continue to bucket along priority areas. Night vision helicopters worked this fire overnight to extinguish hotspots. Firefighters will begin actioning the fire when safe zones are completed and are ready to access. A weather inversion is keeping smoke low on the fire and it’s making it difficult for access. With smoke hanging over the fire it provides shading from the sun and can lessen fire behaviour but high temperatures will still create fire growth. Airtankers will be used when they can be effective to aid in wildfire operations.

HWF081 is OUT OF CONTROL at 11,704 ha. When firefighters are safe to do so they will work the northwest edge of the perimeter to secure containment lines. This fire is challenging due to the high intensity of the fire, but crews are determined to gain ground; it will just take some time. Firefighters are being supported by helicopters that will bucket on priority areas.

HWF083 is OUT OF CONTROL at 13,104 ha continues to grow under dry conditions. Firefighters will continue to monitor this wildfire and provide support when needed.

All of these wildfires are within the Caribou Mountain Wildland P.P. and have been determined to be caused by lightning. These wildfires are located approximately 50 km north of John D’Or Prairie.

There are 112 firefighters and support staff, eight helicopters and 18 pieces of heavy equipment assigned to the Semo Complex. Additional resources are on the way to support firefighting activities.

Garden River is now on 12-hour evacuation alert. For any information related to evacuations please visit https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-emergency-alert.aspx. You can also follow Little Red River Cree Nation’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lrrcn or visit their website https://lrrcn.ab.ca/

HCX002 – AMBER RIVER COMPLEX | HWF030, HWF072, HWF075, HWF076, HWF089, HWF101

An incident management team is in command of the personnel and resources assigned to the Amber River Complex and its six wildfires. There are currently 88 firefighters, nine helicopters and eight pieces of heavy equipment engaged on the wildfires within the Amber Complex. The wildfires in this complex do not currently threaten any communities.

HWF072 is burning OUT OF CONTROL and is now estimated to cover an area 2,800 ha in size (there was some growth overnight). This wildfire, which is approximately 78 km northwest of Chateh and about 60 km west of Zama City, does not currently pose a threat to any communities and its cause is under investigation.

Aircraft engagement for reconnaissance and bucketing operations has been limited due to smoke and visibility issues, which has also led to reduced on-the-ground firefighter activity at times.

Airtankers are being used, when available, and as opportunities arise. These aerial fire suppression activities, and those of firefighters on the ground, are being augmented by the work of heavy equipment operators. 


HWF047 (Melvin River) is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL approximately 40 km north-northeast of the town of High Level and 25 km east of Highway 35. The wildfire is now estimated to be 1,375 ha in size. The wildfire does not currently pose a threat to any communities and its cause remains under investigation.

To view these and other wildfires in the province, view our interactive map by following the active wildfire link. 

HTZ001 is a mutual aid wildfire that originated in the border zone with the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) in 2023. The Alberta portion of this fire, south of the border, is now classified as BEING HELD, which means that the wildfire is not expected to grow past its current boundaries.

Increased wildfire activity was observed today with the fire moving on to south perimeter, northeast of Bistcho Lake. 

Firefighters are using natural breaks and airtankers to build containment line in hopes to reduce the spread towards the east. 

This recent burn within the High Level Forest Area covers an estimated 30,520 hectares ha. Please see NWT Wildfire Update Map and the South Slave SS009-24 Update for more information on their activities and wildfire status in the N.W.T. area. 

This wildfire may cause highway closures, visit Alberta 511 or download the app for up-to-date information.