BLC receives Grant Money


Courtesy: Big Lakes County

Big Lakes County Approved for Grant to Improve Emergency Preparedness Efforts

Big Lakes County, AB – Big Lakes County is pleased to announce that it has been approved for
a generous grant from the Northwestern Alberta Foundation, in the amount of $31,351, to
bolster the county’s emergency preparedness efforts in the aftermath of the 2023 wildfires.
The grant will be instrumental in supporting the Big Lakes County Emergency Resiliency
The devastating impact of the 2023 wildfires highlighted the critical need for enhanced
emergency preparedness measures within our community. Recognizing this need, Big Lakes
County applied for funding from the Northwestern Alberta Foundation to implement
comprehensive initiatives aimed at fortifying our resilience in the face of future emergencies.
“We are immensely grateful to the Northwestern Alberta Foundation for their unwavering
support and commitment to our community,” said Pat Olansky, Director of Emergency
Management for Big Lakes County. “This grant will enable us to invest in vital resources and
infrastructure to better prepare for and respond to emergencies, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our residents.”
“The County is committed to leveraging this grant funding to build a more resilient and
prepared community,” added Big Lakes County Reeve Tyler Airth “By working collaboratively
with our partners and stakeholders, we will ensure that Big Lakes County is better equipped to
face any future challenges.”
The Northwestern Alberta Foundation’s support highlights its dedication to fostering thriving
and resilient communities across the region. Through their generosity, they are empowering
organizations like Big Lakes County to make meaningful and lasting impacts on the lives of
Big Lakes County Council extends our sincerest gratitude to the Northwestern Alberta
Foundation for their invaluable support and partnership.