Alberta’s Crop Farmer Hold Discussions With Federal Officials

The province’s crop farmers were in Ottawa last week.

(Photo/Alberta Agriculture & Forestry)

Team Alberta, a collaboration group between the Alberta Canola Producers Commission (ACP), the Alberta Pulse Growers Commission (APG), the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) as well as Alberta Barley, discussed various priorities for grain farmers with parliamentarians to ensure a viable and profitable crop sector.

Grain Growers of Canada were also present for the discussions.

The ACP’s Mike Ammeter said in a news release that they’re very pleased the federal government views agriculture as an engine for growth.

“It couldn’t have happened at a better time,” said Ammeter. “There is a lot of good news for agriculture right now, most notably Agriculture’s contribution to the GDP in the federal budget, as well as Canada’s goal to grow agri-food exports to $75-billion annually by 2025.”

Ammeter says they’re committed to working with them to unleash that growth.

(Photo/Sidney Blake Photography)

“Alberta grain farmers are major exporters for our nation,” added Warren Sekulic from the AWC. “To grow our exports, we need free trade agreements with key global markets.”

Sekulic says the number one concern for trade market access is non-tariff barriers.

“Biotech and pesticide regulations and phytosanitary measures continue to impede our crops from getting into foreign markets,” he said.

Team Alberta says aggressive progress is not only needed to achieve Canada’s growth plan, but that it’s also essential for the nation’s competitiveness.

“Alberta is a significant contributor to Canada’s agriculture economy,” said Alberta Barley Vice-Chairperson Dave Bishop. “Team Alberta saw tremendous value for our members sitting down with Federal officials to discuss how Ottawa can have a role to help achieve greater success for Alberta’s agriculture industry.”

– Posted by BET