Alberta Canola Announces New Leadership


Roger Chevraux from Killam is the new Chair for the Board of Alberta Canola with Ian Chitwood from Airdrie as the new Vice-Chair. This change was officially decided following the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission on January 25, 2022.

Chevraux says “I would like to thank Kevin, Holly and Denis for the time and effort they put into Alberta Canola. Representing canola growers and bringing the different needs and conditions of canola growers to the Board table allowed us to make far better decisions. The Board is truly grateful for their input and advice.”

Alberta Canola is also welcoming a new Director to the Board, Charles Simoneau  from Guy was elected to represent Alberta Canola’s Region 3.  Region 3 includes the M.D. of Opportunity No. 17, M.D.of Lesser Slave River No. 124,  M.D. of Smoky River No. 130, Northern Sunrise County and the M.D. of Big Lakes.

-Jared Gomes, Trending 55 Newsroom