Airdrie Man Passes Through Peace River Area Over the Weekend for his Mike’s March for Mental Health

Mike Loughman and Darren Hood taking a break in Peace River before continuing the Mike’s March for Mental Health journey across Alberta. (Photo/Peace River Broadcasting)

An Airdrie man continues his cross-the-province tour today.

Mike Loughman, who turned 40 just last month, began his Mike’s March for Mental Health on June 26, 2017 in High Level.

He says he first began this journey so he can raise more awareness about this issue, something he personally suffers from.

“Back in 2013, I was diagnosed with several mental health issues, which inspired me to get sober (from my more than 20 years of drug and alcohol abuse),” Loughman told the Trending 55 Newsroom. “I’m 33 months sober as of July 10, and so, mental health is a big part of my life, and what I want to do in order to help other people.”

He says he’s grateful for all the moral support he’s received so far.

“We’re hoping to race $20,000 in order to help raise more awareness about mental health,” Mike said. “And right now, we’re at $7,050. So, we need a little bit more support. But the moral support has been great. The actual people cheering us on at this moment have been amazing.”

Loughman says mental health has touched countless people from right across Alberta, as well as all across this nation. By taking this journey, he adds that he hopes to symbolize his own road to recovery.

“It is said that one in five people have mental health issues at this moment,” he said. “But in reality, it’s more like one in four, when you take into account all the people who are undiagnosed. I was one of them for over 20 years. When I was doing my fundraising for the past two years, I was going door-to-door to each business, everyone was saying, ‘Oh, I have an aunt,’ or ‘I myself have mental health issues.’ Everyone seems to be affected by it, no matter where you are from.”

To date, his journey has taken him to communities like High Level, Paddle Prairie, Dixonville, Manning, Grimshaw, Peace River, Nampa and Falher. During his couple of days in the Peace River area, he stayed free of charge at the Third Mission Heritage Suites, located downtown by the river.

He hopes to make it to Valleyview over the next couple of days. His plan is to make it back home to Airdrie by July 29, 2017.

– Posted by BET