AHS takes over operations at Manoir du Lac in McLennan

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak at the continuing care facility in McLennan, Manoir du Lac’s daily operations have been taken over by Alberta Health Services in response.

Manoir du Lac employs 70 staff and has 62 residents. As of April 17, 2020, 26 residents and 11 staff members have tested positive for COVID-19, and there have been five COVID-related residents deaths.

AHS is acting immediately to improve the outbreak spread, as well as infection prevention and control measures to respond to the site’s virus outbreak.

Effective April 17, 2020, residents in Manoir du Lac will undergo daily screenings, including temperature checks and symptom monitoring. If a resident is displaying symptoms they will be isolated in their room and staff caring for them will wear all recommended personal protective equipment. All measures taken at this facility are standard practice in AHS continuing care facilities in the province.

-Erika Rolling, Trending 55 Newsroom