AF Makes Applying for Century Farm & Ranch Awards Easier

It’s now a lot easier, and less expensive, for one to apply for Alberta Agriculture & Forestry’s (AF) Century Farm and Ranch Awards.

The Rowe Family in Berwyn were honoured for their Century on the Farm in August 2014. (Photo/Government of Alberta)

In a news release, Senior Project Coordinator Colin Gosselin says in most cases, they can now find the supporting documentation on the people’s behalf.

“They don’t need to find their own homestead record or current land title,” said Gosselin. “All we need the applicant to do is fill out the form and we can take it from there.”

To qualify for the award, a family needs to have continuously owned and actively operated the same land for 100 years or more.

“As well, a family member still has to be actively farming the land at the time of application,” Gosselin said. “As well, the quarter section you’re applying for can’t have been subdivided or cash-rented to a non-family member during its 100-year history.”

He says that each successful applicant will receive a custom-made 10” by 14” cast bronze plaque to mark his significant milestone.

More information on the Century Farm and Ranch Award can be found by contacting Susan Lacombe at 780-968-6557. If you prefer to go online, head to their webpage, at

– Posted by BET