Province Wants Feedback From High Level Fire


People affected by the wildfire in High Level this year will have a chance to provide some feedback to the province.

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is hosting a couple of open houses on December 14 in High Level and La Crete.

Devin Dreeshen, the province’s Ag and Forestry minister, says they’re looking for ideas for how they can improve their response to major fires.

“And especially this year when there’s over $600 million spent in fighting wildfires in the province. We want to make sure that we’re constantly doing the best techniques, the most proven techniques and ultimately cost effective but also the best techniques to keep Albertans safe.”

He adds that they want to hear from people who were “affected on the ground” by the fire.

“If there are any better ways that the Alberta Wildfire crews can be battling the fires, communicating with municipalities and with people, and even an internal Government of Alberta review of how Municipal Affairs, Alberta Wildfire, Alberta Forestry, how everyone can better coordinate efforts.”

Dreeshen says they do annual reviews of the fire seasons internally, but with how extensive the High Level blaze was, that’s why they’re doing the roundtables.

The High Level open house will be at the Best Western at 9:30 AM while the La Crete open house will be at the Heritage Centre at 1:30 PM.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom